Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I have worked at a large corporation for the past 9 years and I have never really given much thought to the world of entrepreneurs. However, a few months ago I started paying more attention to the world of entrepreneurs. I subscribed to INC magazine, and I've been reading more books and profiles about them. It has been a huge realization for me to discover that this lifestyle is for many people an intentional choice about how to design their life. For many people, being an entrepreneur is more about designing their life than it is about designing their work. And as I gain more scars from the corporate world each month, I'm coming to appreciate the freedom and autonomy that entrepreneurs experience. The freedom they have could be worth the risks.

Here are a few quotes I read recently that struck me as insightful and eye opening.

"Being an entrepreneur can represent a means of exploring the world, one that is just as profound as religious inquiry or Greek philosophy or New Age introspection." - Tim O'Reilly

"Right now, I have this tool that I can use to make stuff happen. If I sold it, I'd just have money."    - Tim O'Reilly

"Above all, life entrepreneurship is an adventure. It doesn't just arise from need, but from desire --to be something more, to create something new, to explore beyond the usual boundaries. It's an appeal to all of us to become our best selves...
...the opportunities for challenge, contribution and fulfillment are there; we just have to grab them."       - Warren Bennis

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