Monday, August 2, 2010

Important Questions

Over the past several years, I have discovered that asking good questions is an important, but scarce skill. Good questions can change the course of thinking, of action, of outcomes. Good questions dig beneath the surface, to discover what really matters in any situation.

I just finished graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania, and every student at that school is given a copy of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. I find it fitting that Ben Franklin was a skilled question asker.

According to Benjamin Franklin, "The noblest question in the world is, What good may I do in it?" 

Imagine if everyone woke up each day and asked themselves this question. Imagine if everyone had this mindset as they designed their days, their work, and their life.

What good may I do in the world today?

Ask yourself that question, and listen to the answer. Then go do that.

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